开心一刻:The School Is a Free Gym (英文)
这首是上个月的存货。这几天听了几首伤心情歌,那我来发一首搞笑的中和一下气氛哈~ 写歌的起因有点自嘲的意味:就是我的Oura Ring在某天检测到我在做HIIT workout, 可问题是那时候我在二年级上课啊!然后我发现我平均每天燃烧的总热量在2000卡以上。但我个子小小的,一些五年级的小鬼比我高呢,2000+卡路里中actively燃烧的就已经达到800+卡了,哈哈哈,所以教书它是个体力活儿,要不是有寒暑假以及各个长周末,估计学期还没结束我就已经力竭身亡。LOL
- Jing是我的本名,跟闪闪是最佳组合“一闪一闪亮晶晶”
- Folders是学生们的“作业本”
- TPR:语言教育术语,Total Physical Response, 学生通过听老师的指令,并做出相应的身体动作来学习语言。很多情况下是我带着学生一起做,LOL
The School Is a Free Gym
Lyrics: Mu, Zimo Music+Vocals: Suno
The school is a free gym
An excellent place for me to get slim
No more payments for the gym membership
Oh, no more payments for the gym membership
Ever since I put on an Oura Ring
I’ve learned some interesting things
As the well-known "Petite Jing”
I burn over 2k kcals without missing a blink
How could I complete a HIIT at 12pm?
‘Cause I just finished teaching Mandarin
When I work with students, active workouts begin
Singing, dancing, jumping, like a top, spin, spin, spin!
Ever since I put on an Oura Ring
I’ve learned some interesting things
As the well-known “Petite Jing”
I burn over 2k kcals without missing a blink
Carrying heavy folders makes my arms so strong
Constant moving is the training to hold my breaths long
(*应该改为Constant movement trains me to hold my breath long较好)
TPR is also where the cardio belongs
Oh, expensive gym membership - So long!
Ever since I put on an Oura Ring
I’ve learned some interesting things
As the well-known “Petite Jing”
I burn over 2k kcals without missing a blink
2024-10-15 18:35:37oura ring 广告主打歌啊