政治的无耻和体面- 观陆克文与吉拉德之战有感

来源: 老几空间 2013-06-27 08:03:09 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4506 bytes)
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- 观陆克文与吉拉德之战有感

下面这获胜者感言 –赢者是混蛋:
In 2007, the Australian people elected me to be their PM. That is a task that I resume today with humility, with honour, and with an important sense of energy and purpose. In recent years, politics has failed the Australian people. There
has just been too much negativity all round. There has been an erosion of trust, negative, destructive, personal politics has done much to bring dishonour to our parliament but done nothing to address the urgent challenges facing our nation, our community, our families. In fact it has been holding our country back and all this must stop. With all my heart, that is the purpose I intend to pursue through the office of PM.

下面这是落败者感言 - 输者的体面:
But I do say to my Caucus colleagues: don't lack the guts, don't lack the fortitude, don't lack the resilience to go out there with our Labor agenda and to win this election. I know that it can be done. And I also say to my Caucus colleagues that that will best be done by us putting the divisions of the past behind us, and uniting as a political party, making sure we put our best face forward at the forthcoming election campaign, and in the years beyond.
Tens and thousands of ordinary Australians ... have been asking me to do this for a very long time. And it's your voices, the voices of the Australian people, it's those voices that have had a huge effect on me more so than most of the voices
I happen to hear around the corridors of this building (Parliament).


I do think it is in the best interests of the nation and in the best interests of the Labor Party for this matter to be resolved. So, whilst I haven't been approached by anyone saying that they wish to be PM or Labor leader, it is my intention to call a ballot for the Labor leadership.
The important thing is that people keep in their mind as they walk into that room, what's in the best interest for the nation?
The truth is many, many MPs have requested me for a long, long time to contest the leadership of the party because of the parlous circumstances we now face.



你老失憶啊 -似曾相識- 给 似曾相識 发送悄悄话 似曾相識 的博客首页 (56 bytes) () 06/27/2013 postreply 09:01:36

Another Liar -sydneywil- 给 sydneywil 发送悄悄话 (206 bytes) () 06/27/2013 postreply 15:33:56

不知所云 -millennium- 给 millennium 发送悄悄话 (788 bytes) () 06/27/2013 postreply 17:40:44

仅几个月前3分之2的工党头不要他。现在看到要没工作了,不得以才选他。 -sydneywil- 给 sydneywil 发送悄悄话 (46 bytes) () 06/27/2013 postreply 23:12:17

非也,这是工党的策略,背后的角力从来没有停止过。工党自己也有暗地里做民意调查。他们有的是资源。 -茅斌骚客- 给 茅斌骚客 发送悄悄话 茅斌骚客 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/28/2013 postreply 02:13:50

艾伯特连话也说不利索比霍华德,卡斯特罗差的太远,时下是联盟党最弱的时候,除了人气。 -aussie-2- 给 aussie-2 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/28/2013 postreply 04:40:35

出来混,迟早是要还的! -Clovelly- 给 Clovelly 发送悄悄话 (44 bytes) () 06/28/2013 postreply 17:41:11

他民望不错,工会不喜欢他又如何?不让他出来工党将面临惨败! -kelvin18- 给 kelvin18 发送悄悄话 kelvin18 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/29/2013 postreply 08:24:10

不管你喜不喜欢政治,你都逃脱不了政治,你办公室不也有政治吗? -东东西西- 给 东东西西 发送悄悄话 东东西西 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/30/2013 postreply 17:49:22



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