DIY - fixed in-car clock
My clock has been stopped for a long time. Although it doesn't bother me I still wanted to make it work. So this afternoon I took the instrument cluster out and got the assembly apart, used about half a hour fixed it. here is partial pics:
(1) Layout of modules (Speedometer and Tachometer. At right is the back of cluster; two capacitors from radio shack in bags):
(2) Closer look at tacho and speedo (on top is the outside temp gauge module):
(3) See two golden color coke-can shape elements? They are the capacitors needing to be replaced:
(4) After replaced (skip some pics here), these two are going to trash bin:
(5) When everything is done, put the instrument cluster back and clock is working:
2009-07-25 18:54:04不错, 小顶