Mine is a V6. Bought new at ~$14,000 14 years ago. Really like t
Really like the big windows, easy to check blind spots.
I had 05 GT. Picec of crap. No workmanship details. Suspension s
It has the same look as GT and it's much cheaper
No,the rear bumper is different. GT has 2 exhaust piples.
Thanks. I'll check that out.
Guess you forgot it's for poor people.
It is for people have a lots of money to piss away.
Not sure about that. If you drive it like a Camry, like I did,
开跑车要加小心 俺儿驾照都吊销过 我当了3个月的司机
2012-11-12 15:52:09Mine is a V6. Bought new at ~$14,000 14 years ago. Really like t