
DIY(初级)HONDA CODE P1457 修理记

真猛 2013-11-17 11:16:33 ( reads)

我的 ACCORD 2000 check engine light on。这是烦心事。 查CODE是 P1457, 把code消掉,第二天又亮了。上网查了一下,是EVAP问题,还挺多的。

这有时也挺坑人, 如下面:
I have a 98 honda accord with check engine light p1457 regarding an evap leak. i went to the dealer and they did an electical check , checked the sensors and did a smoke test. they told me all the sensors worked fine and electrical check was good and did not see any smoke when they did the smoke check.then they told me they wanted me to change the canister, Purge Solenoid Valve ,2 way valve bypass solenoid valve and and shut off valve. which i did it cost me over 800 dollars labor and parts included

after it was all done they come to me and tell me that my ecm is not getting communciation with the bypass solenoid valve and i need to replace the ecm and it would cost 1200 dollars. they took me to the car and showed me that their was supposed to be a double knock on the bypass solenoid so it can get a signal to the ecm

did honda dealership do their job right regarding this problem and should i buy an aftermarket ecm to fix this problem they tell me... please give me answers and suggestions 

1. 90%的可能是CANISTER VENT SHUT (CVS)Valve 坏了,要换;
2. CVS 连在 CANISTER 上, 必须一起拆;
3. 50%的可能是 CVS拆不下, 最后必须连CANISTER一起换。
4. Canister 极少会坏,换了也白换。

估价: CVS $34, CANISTER $80.
看了下面的vedio, 觉得可以赌一下。 先买了CVS valve。
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ffgutJR2Wc  (

CVS和CANISTER在车底下,左后轮的地方。 先把车倒到两个架子上面, 拉上手刹, 前轮顶上三角木。
钻到车底, 拆掉连接的四根橡皮管和一个电插头,拆掉一个固定螺钉,CANISTER就掉下来了。
下面把CVS valve从CANISTER拆下来, 一个螺钉拆开, 一个拆不开。 加了WD-40, 等了一个晚上,还拆不开。原因是螺钉与底座锈在一起,螺钉与底座一起转。只好到 ADVANCE AUTO PARTS 去买个CANISTER, 花了$60 (减20 coupon)。
到现在一个星期了, 灯没再亮。 希望修好了。



2013-11-26 10:23:17
