

5W40 2014-06-15 20:02:40 ( reads)

Alright, I know what you are thinking! Who designs an engine with a hole in it that does nothing, seal the hole with a $5 gasket that leaks, and requires removing several engine components, along with the engine mount, and 8 to ten hours of labor to replace? If you purchased a 2004- 2009 BMW with an eight cylinder engine and have just found out the dealership wants between $1,400.00 and $2,200.00 to replace a $5 gasket you are probably not happy. Seriously, someone had to get fired over this! This is one of the reasons that a car that once sold for over $100,000.00 a few years ago can now be had for less than $20,000.00.

If you are going to do this job yourself there are a few things you need to know going in. First, you are going to be removing the driver side engine mount, so you are going to have to support the engine. I highly recommend you rent or borrow and engine hoist. While you can support the engine from below on a jack, doing so requires removing the dynamic drive, also it is going to get fairly crowded under the car, and if you can lift and support the engine from the top, it will give you more room to work below. If you are saving over a thousand dollars on labor, spent $25 and rent a hoist, it will make the job much easier and save you time in the long run.




2014-06-16 08:22:24



2014-06-16 19:50:44



2014-06-16 21:10:58
