

One1618 2019-05-04 14:30:03 ( reads)


"Do I get a chance to talk?" Look at her and make a smiling face.  "If not, there's no point for me to go."

While there, do not look at her, look at the boss.  "We need your help..."  Then start stating your point.  If she cuts you off, let her continure.

If the boss looks at you while she is talking, look at him and smile.  When she is done, or he signals your turn, start talking.  If she interrupts at this point, say "I let you finish, you do the same."

"她们就要下结论了" You must have looked too anxious.  At this moment, ask the boss, "Would you like to hear my take on this?"


(She feels a thrill by shuting you out.  That's her way to feel power over you.  In her upbringing, she may have experienced this kind of power struggle and came out on the losing end, thus she longs for revenge, and gets a kick out of watching you suffer right in front of her.)




2019-05-04 16:40:59

Thanks for your advice appreciated