嘿嘿,你太不把自己当根葱了。Protocol 就是SOP,是楼上所说的GLP的基础。绝对的不是鸡毛蒜皮。以你
贴中的例子:What kind of risk would you take in your work?
对我来说,有两种风险,一种不可取,一种可取。后一种需要具备三个条件:1)必须性,2)成功性 3)性价比。
To me, there are two kinds of risks, one kind is worth taking, and the other one, not. The ones that are worth taking have 3 conditions: 1) necessity, 2) the probability of success and 3) the ratio of cost and reward.
For example, we had a problem of not getting enough samples, even from 50 plates. We could enlarge the sample pool by having 100 plates, or we could change the protocol to reduce the volumes of sample usage. The later was more risky, it requires advanced technology and we had to spend quite a lot of time to develop a new protocol. As the lab manager and senior scientist, I made the dicision to take the risk. After quite a bit trial and error and vigorously brain storm. We successfully developed a new protocol using micro/nano technology. The new protocol streamlined whole process, cut time by half, reduce labor and materials by 25 times.
2021-07-29 16:33:55经过版主一点拨,我还真觉得能把我的小实验说的高大上了呢。这就是语言天赋和聪明才智啊!受教了。