对。我今天已经团结了Tina。Cathy的头不是R,她可以完全deny R 在邮件里提到的Cathy说我
2023-07-05 20:22:20
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poor job performance. 而且她可能真的没有说过这样的话。我已经告诉Tina,我根本就不想追究她和Cathy。很不幸,她们可能会被连累了。她俩肯定都不想被调查。到时候R编造的谎言就会被戳穿。
I don’t even want Tina get into trouble, or Cathy. R could simply say no to my remote working request and I would be totally fine with it as she is the boss. However I can’t accept being accused of incompetency at work in her reply email, when I’m not. I could regard Cathy’s leaking my salary information as indiscretion, but the wrongful accusation of someone having poor job performance for personal gain would be utter professional misconduct. Right now the situation is totally blown out of proportion and I don’t know where is the end of it or what collateral damages it may bring.