Still could not dial out. Help?
2014-05-15 16:22:15
( reads)
Tried all of them. Still, can receive calls but not call out w/ error 480. When you say: 即在SS之前, forward只能 1 对 1, 不能 1 对多。SS之前 - 是不是指OBi?OBi除了SP1按你的设定,其他均未动。forward 1 to 1, not 1 to many - where is it to achieve 1 to 1 but not 1 to many? CC - DID forward only have one option: No choice for 1 to 1 or to many? SS dial plan:
case req.URI.User
when /^00/ then sys.Dial("cheapintcalls")
else sys.Dial("MyGoogleVoice")
Where is to get 1 to 1 done? Help? Thanks.
2014-05-15 19:06:231对1指的是CC DID forward setting。 你大约是SS没有set好。