
谢古纸兄的这些细节。Friedman 在解剖哈马斯前,先解剖了 Bibi 同学。他在以色列有许多联系----

文革传人 2023-10-11 00:36:39 ( reads)

As this column has been pointing out ever since he came back to power, Netanyahu’s politics of division have done terrible damage to Israel. Bibi prioritized a judicial putsch to strip the Israeli Supreme Court of its power to oversee his government — over all other priorities. In the process he fractured Israeli society and its military. And people have been warning for months how dangerous this could be. Just this week I quoted a former director general of the Israeli Defense Ministry, Dan Harel, telling a Tel Aviv democracy rally that “I have never seen our national security in a worse state” and that there has already been damage to the reserve units of essential Israel Defense Forces formations, “which has reduced readiness and operational capability.”

希望他不把个人的私利带到此刻对哈马斯的反击与清除中。如果,清除能做的有效,以色列社会日后对他的评判会略和缓些。但是,死的人不能复活,这种对社会的伤害,有可能改变犹太民族命运的事情,躲肯定是躲不过去的。I wish there is a DS in Israel, *_*。古纸兄周三开心。
