

FEVRE 2024-02-02 08:55:02 ( reads)

Is it better to have one true friend than all the acquaintances in the world?
Or is it not?

A very difficult question.

But is it truly that difficult? We know that there are many nice
people in the world. Only having one of them as a friend... can be difficult. You would have
to sacrifice all the others for just one person. But we also know that there aren't only nice
people in the world. In fact, there are many greedy ones, who are willing to do everything to
gain more power and wealth.

Better or not?
Having only one friend but a true friend is for many reasons a good decision. You can get rid
of many bad people in your personal life. You can be sure to have at least one trustworthy
person around you. A person with whom you can share all your secrets and a person who
will share all their secret with you. But it can become lonely. Very lonely. Once your friend
moved to another area, it will become more diflicult to see each other. But in exchange, you
will receive a true friend.
On the other hand, having all acquaintances in the world can be very exciting. You would
know all the famous personalities what would be nice - for sure. But will it stay nice?
You already know that there are not only good people in the world. Maybe are you the fan of
a person, who isn't as nice as you thought, and you will be disappointed. But you will meet
lots of nice people who are going to make your life better. You will be willing to sacrifice
everything for a few of there people. But not everyone of them will think like you, There are
going to be people, who are greedy enough to betray you and you will be abandoned. Maybe
are you going to fall in depressions because there are too many bad people in the world.
Maybe have you already felt the pain of being abandoned. Maybe are you traumatized. But
you are also going to receive lots of new people - good people.

The Decision
Is yours to make. But choose wisely. Now you know the advantages and disadvantages of
your decision. Now take a deep breath and think about everything. Think about what you
just experienced and think about what you are going to experience with your decision.
Think about all the adventures you're going to master. But always remember the bad things
about life. Never forget, that you must be wary; no matter what decision you make. Think
about it all by yourself and never forget, that you are living your life, and only yours. And
this decision is yours to make, no matter what you are going to choose in the end.



2024-02-02 09:00:28
