2024-10-29 13:30:52
( reads)
的将军们知道怎么做”之言也道出了不少 disciples 的心声吧 ……
不过只赞誉酱缸内将军们难免有些不够公平。缸外 knowing what do to,而且 do 的更“出色”,也就更值得赞誉的将军大有人在。比如西班牙的 Franco 将军,智利的 Pinochet 将军;甚至低一个级别的,像希腊的 Papadopoulos 上校,也是毫不逊色 :-) 。另外 Franco 将军是 Pinochet 将军偶像;Pinochet 将军是毛太祖座上客;某曹同学同时也是 Franco 将军热情爱好者。The world is small,酱缸 smaller :-)
至于“He is a brilliant man, he runs 1.4 billion people with an iron fist”,也有说的比这更出色、更有“诗情画意”的:“... his (he = 太祖)prodigious life as a man of action and as a revolutionary is the mirror of his courage, of his spirit of sacrifice, of his iron will”【《Me, in Russia and in China》(Io, in Russia e in Cina)-- Curzio Malaparte】
Again the world is small :-)
2024-10-30 00:06:46再谢古纸兄的文化渗透,"it is small world after all", 20 世纪的那几位,从二战时期---