这方面埃科同学也有过论述 :-)
也是在包罗万象的《福柯摆》里,讲到一家 vanity press ("Manutius")和“SFAs”(self-financing authors. 原文是“APS”,autore a proprie spese):
“... real writers wrote out of love of the work and didn't care whether they were known — they could even use a pseudonym, like Nerval — whereas an SFA wanted to be recognized by the family next door, by the people in her neighborhood, and in the neighborhood where she used to live. ”
“... his (an SFA's) planet consists of familiar faces: schoolmates, bank managers, fellow teachers in the high school, retired colonels. The SFA wants to bring his poetry to all these people, even to those who couldn't care less, like the butcher or the prefect of police. ”
“衣锦还乡”和 SFA 动机一样,都是 showing off to "familiar faces" (当然包括 "very good friends")— "vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas". 不管规模多 large,都不影响格局之 small :-)
2024-12-19 23:20:42再谢古纸兄的文化渗透。这个 Vanity 吗,说到底,是一个对镜子无比爱好的过程,^_^。于是又一个----