美国众院移民法改革版本出笼, 职业移民重大改革
美国众院移民法改革版本出笼, 职业移民重大改革
1) 每年从14万增加到29万绿卡名额
2) 配偶和孩子不占名额, 但是每年不超过80万
3) 每个国家的配额比例会稍微改变, 对印度和中国会稍微提高(没有具体数字)
4) 很多专业获得高等学位后不受绿卡名额限制
Title V – Visa Reforms
§ Family-Based Immigration: Exempts immediate relatives of U.S. citizens from the annual level of 480,000 for family-sponsored immigrant visas. Redistributes the 480,000 family-sponsored immigrant numbers among existing family preference categories. Unused family-sponsored immigrant visas from previous fiscal years are recaptured and made available for family-sponsored immigrant visas for future fiscal years.
§ Employment-Based Immigration: Increases employment-based immigrant visas from 140,000 to 290,000 per fiscal year. The 290,000 ceiling for employment-based immigrant visas is redistributed among the employment-based immigrant visa categories and certain modifications are made to current categories. Unused employment-based immigrant visas from previous fiscal years are recaptured and made available for employment-based immigrant visas for future fiscal years. Visas issued to spouses and children after October 1, 2004 under the employment-based category will no longer be counted against the cap. No more than 800,000 visas may be issued to employment-based spouses and children during any fiscal year.
§ Per Country Limits: Makes slight increases to the per-country limits for family and employment based visas.
§ H-1B Visa Program: Increases the cap on H-1B visas to 115,000 (which can be increased in a subsequent year if the cap is reached during a given fiscal year, not to exceed 180,000) and exempts from this cap certain individuals who have earned an advanced degree in science, technology, engineering, or math in the United States.
§ Immigrants With Advanced Skills Exempt from Visa Cap: Exempts several categories of highly skilled workers from the employment-based immigrant visa cap.
§ H-1B Visa Program: Increases the cap on H-1B visas to 115,000 (which can be increased in a subsequent year if the cap is reached during a given fiscal year, not to exceed 180,000) and exempts from this cap certain individuals who have earned an advanced degree in science, technology, engineering, or math in the United States.
2007-03-22 14:08:05回复:美国众院移民法改革版本出笼, 职业移民重大改革