▲ I-131 之样板信
Wannabe Immigrant
I485 Receipt SLW 03 XXXXX
A# 00000000
1 Main Lane
Anycity SS 00000
BCIS- summa service center
PO Box xxxx
SomeTown XX 11000
Dear Sir,
Re: Application of Advance Parole- I485 pending
I have applied to adjust my status from Useless Visa to permanent resident per application SLW 03 XXXXX with you. While this application is pending your approval, I have to undertake travel to DaCountry in order to
(write one)
-visit my elderly parents
-attend a family function
-take care of my property in smalltimetown, DaCountry
during anymonth anyyear.
I have enclosed the following documents
1. My I485 Receipt notice copy
2. Personal check for $ XXX
3. 2 Photos with I485 receipt number and A# written in back
4. I131 duly filled
Kindly approve my advance parole.
Your Truly
Wannabe Immigrant
2007-07-08 14:34:09谢谢!!