游说公司给出的name check 游说指南,请有关网友紧急行动!
不少人对name check delay 没有足够的重视。其实它是仅次于绿卡排期的延迟因素。解决了name check delay, 也就是消除了FBI的黑箱操作,可以显著提高绿卡处理程序的标准化和可预见性。
参议院通过的改进FBI name check 的修正案(Levin’s amendment)最早在下周开始在参众两院的联席会议上讨论。LIA的游说公司要求属于下述议员选区的网友紧急行动,访问议员在当地的办公室。要达到的目的是:有至少一位下述议员采纳LIA的“SUPERVISORY REVIEW UPON REQUEST”(see appendix);其他的议员支持或不反对。
下面是议员信息和游说指南,请相关网友尽快行动起来,并及时和LIA的lobbyist Paul Donnelly 保持联系。客户是上帝,我们既然花钱雇他和Bruce Morrison,就请大家不要客气。有问题,要帮忙,尽快开口。LIA的lobbyists 也是全体中国移民的lobbyists。
希望有更多的网友支持LIA(http://www.legalimmigrant.org). 如果你是name check的受害者,那么就请你不要因为工作忙或者有其他安排而置身事外。改变立法的机会不是每周、每月都会有的。错过这村没这店。如果你没有类似的游说经验,有点怯的话,这次正好是个锻炼机会,没人会笑话你。
Congressman who can influence Senator Levin’s amendment:
(Please check http://www.census.gov/geo/www/maps/cd108n/FF_cd108n_maps.htm for district maps.)
Alan Mollohan, Chairman, West Virginia, district 1
Patrick J. Kennedy, Rhode Island, district 1 (Brown)
Chaka Fattah, Pennsylvania, district 2 (Univ. of Penn, Temple)
Dutch Rupper*****erger, Maryland, district 2 (John Hospkins?)
Adam Schiff, California, district 29, (Cal Tech)
Rosa DeLauro, Connecticut, district 3, (Yale)
David Price, North Carolina, district 4, (RTP, DUKE, UNC)
Dave Obey, Wisconsin, district 7
Rodney Frelinghuysen, Ranking Member, New Jersey, district 11
John Culberson, Texas, district 7 (Rice)
Hal Rogers, Kentucky, district 5
Tom Latham, Iowa, district 4 (Iowa State Univ)
Aderholt, Alabama, district 4
Jerry Lewis, California, district 41 (Cal State at San Bernardino)
Paul Donnelly’s email: pauldonnelly@mindspring.com
LIA coordinator’s email: renhao09@yahoo.com
Here is the lobby guidance created by LIA’s lobbyists.
Basically, the most effective lobbying is a rifle model, not a shotgun: it's VERY focused. So, here are the particulars steps you need to follow:
1. Call your representative's district office. Identify yourself as a constituent, give your name, and explain that this is a LEGISLATIVE matter but you'd like to speak to someone in the DISTRICT office who handles immigration. Ask for a meeting ASAP and bring as many people to that meeting as you can (especially including CITIZENS such as employers, co-workers, impressive alumni, church people, friends etc.). Please DON’T just send a petition letter, which is most likely to be discarded or offers little help to our motion.
2. When you have scheduled a meeting, you will be meeting with district staff but not a LEGISLATIVE staff. Let Paul know you meeting schedule and he will tell you the name of the LEGISLATIVE staff in Washington.
3. In the meeting, please use your own stories to make the following points:
1) The delays in clearing name checks are unacceptable, NOT ONLY because it is a disservice to LEGAL immigrants, BUT ALSO it is a national security threat. If there is someone with your name who should not be in the US, don't we all want the FBI to go get that person immediately? Delays that take years protect no one.
2) The coalition of the Legal Immigrant Association (LIA), and American Families United (AFU), has specific legislative language (SUPERVISORY REVIEW UPON REQUEST, see appendix.) that we are asking be included in the Commerce, Justice, and State appropriations bill that will be acted upon in the next week or so. (LIA’s lobbyists will propose the language in Washington AFTER your meeting.)
3) ASK THAT YOUR MESSAGE BE PASSED ALONG TO THE LEGISLATIVE STAFF and let him/her know this is important to people in the Congressman's district.
4. If you cannot get a meeting AND you have others supporters would come to a meeting, ask to schedule a conference call. (When you call those people to ask them to be on a conference call with you and the Congressman's staff, they may call for a meeting themselves. Be flexible, and accept support when you get it.)
5. If all else fails and you have to do a phone call on your own, be sure to get the name of the staff person you speak with, and let Paul know who they are so Paul can follow up and make the connection between YOU in the district, and the legislation we want in Washington.
Appendix: “Supervisory review upon request” to reduce FBI name check delay
Background Check Review Process--Legislative Language
SEC.___. PROCESSING OF BACKGROUND AND SECURITY CHECKS BY U.S. CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICES—At the end of the Immigration Services and Infrastructure Improvements Act, Pub. L. 106-313, Title II (114 Stat. 1262, October 17, 2000), add the following—
“Sec. 205. Processing of Background and Security Checks.
“(a) With respect to the processing of background and security checks and fraud investigations conducted pursuant to any provision of law related to immigration benefits, the Secretary shall establish a procedure for supervisory review of delays in the concluding of such checks and investigations which shall:
“(1) Be available if the duration of the check or investigation has continued for longer than 180 days;
“(2) Be conducted if requested by a petitioner or applicant for any such immigration benefits;
“(3) Be conducted by supervisory personnel designated by the Secretary;
“(4) Determine the cause of the failure or inability to complete the check or investigation within 30 days of the request and project the likely time required to achieve completion;
“(5) Provide to the requesting petitioner or applicant the cause of the failure or inability to complete the check or investigation and the projected date of completion within 45 days of the request; and
“(6) Permit the petitioner or applicant to obtain a further supervisory review if the check or investigation remains pending after the projected date of completion.”
“(b) The Secretary shall publish a report within 90 days of the end of each fiscal year which shall itemize by type of immigration benefit sought:
“(1) The number of background and security checks and the number of fraud investigations (separately stated) that have been pending as of the end of such fiscal year for periods of 90 days, 180 days, 270 days, one year, two years, and more than two years; and
“(2) The numbers of supervisory reviews requested for each such type of immigration benefit and a statistical summary of the proportion of such checks and investigations completed within 30, 60, 90, and longer numbers of days after the request for supervisory review was filed.”
2007-11-05 15:23:55支持~~