

拖拉机手 2013-02-15 20:50:42 ( reads)

其实,在批准后的几天,但我们还没有收到绿卡,一位ISO(Immigration Services Officer)发了一封邮件来,好像是很一般的Email。

Thank you for your recent inquiry.  This email address is intended only for follow up on inquiries submitted through the USCIS National Customer Service Center (NCSC) at 1-800-375-5283


1.        All case related inquiries must be addressed to the NCSC first.  A customer Service Representative should be able to assist you when you call the above toll-free number.


2.       This office only accepts an inquiry if a service request has been made first with the NCSC and is less than 60 days old.  If 15 days have elapsed since you received a service request and you have not received a response, you may contact us again using the provided referral tracking number.  This information is important and will assist us in better serving you.


3.        If you do not have an application or petition filed with USCIS and/or need general immigration and citizenship information, you may visit www.uscis.gov.


I hope the information provided above is helpful to you.



如果ISO要我们补充什么,要什么就补充什么。记得我NIW I-140 RFE的时候,我就像在公司做Project一样认真,一丝不苟,每一个细节都说清楚,任何一个容易产生歧义的地方都修改。不使用偏词、难懂的词。避免使用很长的从句。


