算是回馈一下移坛, 毕竟前段时间问了8老师好多问题, 谢谢他的及时解答, 所以汇总一下, 帮他省省事.
2015-05-26 15:00:16
( reads)
主要是关于一些鸡毛蒜皮的填表及其他常见问题, 我和8老师的以往问答, 算是皮匠原来的填表指南的不完全补充. 祝移坛越办越好.
因为她最近一次入境之后无身份延改, 按pjiang的说法, 对我太太而言就是最近的I-94. 对不对?
1. VISA number/entry/日期: 我有新旧两本护照, 新护照在我拿到后从未使用它出入美国, 没有一个图章, 而作废的老护照上有我所有出入美国的信息, 包括去两次Canada和一次Bahamas的, 都在回来时因去的是adjacent country和island都未申请入美签证直接入境.
这样的话, 我是否需要复印新旧两本护照,
-Provide the copy of your new passport (information pages only), and the copy of the visa pages and entry pages of the old passport (not need the other rest pages).
并在Nonimmigrant Visa Number&Consulate Where Visa Was Issued&Date Visa Issued处用我最后一次的在中国获得的签证信息(比去Canada&Bahamas早),
2. 我太太的I94 Number每次改或延签证后都发生改变, 填Part. 1: I-94 Number(还有I765 Item10)是不是以最近一个为准?
-Yes, it is the current valid I-94 (not expire yet).
3. 我现在暂时没工作在家, current occupation是填unemployed, 还是填homemaker?
-Put "unemployment".
4. 女儿出生在美国, 查了她的美国护照, 只有护照号和SSN, 她是不是根本就没有A #, 这样填Part3. B.亲属时可以跳过A#?
-leave it blank or put "N/A".
5. 我们以前从未递交过I485, 我用过一年的OPT, 我太太用过一年的CPT, 但她的I140 Approval Notice上给了个A# like: A000 000 000, 看了pjiang的关于A#的解释, 感觉是我们俩应该这次都不要填任何A#在I485 & I131 & I765, 而是让USCIS给我们assign一个, 对吗?
-Leave it blank.
6. Any document issued to you by USCIS showing your present status指的就是:
-It means I-94 and status (e.g. H-1, etc.) approval notice.
因为我最近一次入境之后有身份延改, 按pjiang的说法, 对我而言就是 最近的I-797A;
-All the I-94s and status approval notice since your last entry.
因为她最近一次入境之后无身份延改, 按pjiang的说法, 对我太太而言就是最近的I-94. 对不对?
-I-94 and H-1 approval notice if she used H-1 visa to enter US.
7. 如果拿到RFE, 一两个回合下来, 一般来说会加长多少时间?
-Hard to say, case by case. But once the IO receive your response to the RFE, they will make a decision within 15 days.
8. I134: 我们的通道是EB2 PERM, 是否有必要填I134或I864? 我有同学跟我们情况一样, 但当年填了I134表, 但这次我左看右看I485及I134的instruction及网上的讨论, 发现I134或I864好像根本用不着填, 想向您确认一下.
-Not need any.
是不是只要employment letter就已经足够了?
是否还要最近三年的W2或IRS的tax transcript或最近三个月的paystubs?
1. Part 3.1. Date of Intended Departure & Excepted Length of Trip: 现无具体回国计划, 这两个空如何填最好?
-Estimate a departure date after 3 months or later and length (e.g. 6 months, etc.) there.
2. Part 4.1.b. List the countries you intend to visit: 现无具体打算, 但很可能去Canada, 是否填了国家不去也可以?
-It does not matter. You can go or not go to any country.
3. Photocopy of passport identity page是指护照的有照片的首页是吗?
-Right, it is the information page.
4. 因为我们还没有I485的Receipt Notice, 是否可以在单独的AP的申请cover letter里声明一下和I485一起申请即可?
-Fine. The AP and/or EAD application must be put together with I-485 application in one packet.
还是需要给什么具体evidence吗(看I131的instruction: page 8, 好像一定要有, 但我看移坛和朋友及pjiang的说法是不需要的)?
5. Part 4.1.a. Purpose of trip. 是不是写写Visiting elder parents and friends; Visiting Universities; Attending Conferences泛泛的话就行了?
还是需要给什么具体evidence吗(看I131的instruction: page 8, 好像一定要有, 但我看移坛和朋友及pjiang的说法是不需要的)?
6. Part 7要单独附上的一页是不是也是同样目的的?
-Need to address that your AP application is based on your pending I-485 in separate paper.
AP的有效日期是如何开始的和结束的? 跟我填的Part 3.1&2 Date of intended Departure & Excepted Length of Trip直接关联吗?
-Not that much.
7. 如果申请了AP并批准拿到了但后来并未使用, does it matter?
-Not matter.
1. 我用过OPT一年, 拿过两个EAD, 填11. Date时填最早的还是最晚的?
-the latest one.
2. 同时递交I485 & I131 & I765时, 很多supporting document是重复的, 我是否需要递交一份就够了, 还是每个各来一份?
-Yes. There are separate cases.
3. 当年我办过OPT的EAD, 记得可以多交钱办加急, AP在某些特殊情况下可以办加急,
-There is premium processing for AP or EAD, but if you are in emergency to leave US, you can go to the local USCIS Office to apply for emergency AP.
如果可以, 如何办? 交多少钱?
-No any fee for AP or EAD application if it is based on pending I-485.
4. 复印 I797A及附带的I94时, 如有未I94未撕下前的正面复印件, 是否只需再加复印一下detached I94的反面就行了?
-Make the both sides of the I-94 copy in one/same page of the paper, which makes the IO much easy to identify it.
出入境拿的老I94需复印正反两面, 对吗?
复印护照和出生公证等时, 封面和无内容的空白页, 是否可跳过?
5. 关于这种和I485一起办的EAD是否也可以多交钱办加急(像我以前的OPT EAD一样), 我对您的回答还是有点糊涂, 就问一句, 是否可以? USCIS网站上哪里能找到对应材料?
-No. There is not 加急 for EAD.
我找遍I765的instruction, 没有找到; 又在USCIS网站内查了premium processing, 只发现可以给Employer-sponsored的办, 如I140 & I539 & I129 & Renew I765.