2023-08-02 07:43:15
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8老师您好!!我是公民,现在要给父母申请绿卡。父亲目前在中国,130已提交,等待审核中,预计还有四个月。母亲在美国,准备很快提交i130和i485 package。现在有一些问题想问您(关于母亲绿卡的),期待您的答复!
- I485 part4, Information about your current marriage. Question 10, is your current spouse applying with you? 应该选no, 因为父亲的i130已于四个月前提交。请问是否正确?-Correct.
- I485 Public Charge: question 62, what is the size of your household? 我已婚有一个孩子,所以这里应该填2(父母),请问是否正确?-This part is for your mother's family, i.e., your parents. Put "2".
- 仍然是I485 Public Charge,question 63, 64. 我父母的收入以及资产都很少(均为第一档,如下图),是否会被认为有成为公共负担的可能性从而降低拿到绿卡的可能?(我们会提供i864以及i864a的support, 收入足够)。-No.
- I864, sponsor’s household size. 我与丈夫married filing jointly,有一个未成年孩子。这张表是为我母亲填写,我父亲的i130还在待审核中,预计还有四个月(人在中国,会走境外申请流程,流程还没走到我提供i864表的那一步),这种情况item 5,6是否需要填写,最终的household size是4还是5? -Put "4". But it will be "5" in the I-864 for your father in the futrue.
- Form i864 和i864a中都有一个三年Tax year的total income, 我们二人是married filing jointly,是否提供tax return transcript上的total income 而非adjusted gross income? -It is adjusted grosss income.我们的total income比adjusted gross income 多一点点,税表是1040而非1040EZ。
- I864/i864a补充材料: 我们二人会提供三年的tax return transcript (从IRS下载),半年的paystub, 三年的W2。这种情况下可否不提供银行流水?-Not need it if your salary income is enough.
- 体检表i693已经由医生准备好并且封装,其中所有内容都填写的是大写字母。请问其他表格是否也都要填大写字母以保持完全一致?-If you type it using computer or typewriter, not need to use capital letters for the whole word. But if you use hand writing to complete the form, you need to use capital letter for whole word. 还是大小写均可?还有其他细微差异比如i693上国家写的是USA而其他表上写的是United States, 这种差异是可以容忍的吧?-Fine.
- I130: Have you EVER previously filed a petition for this beneficiary or any other alien? 选Yes,因为四个月前给父亲提交了I130,-Correct. what is the result? - Case Received, Under Review. 然后Are you submitting separate petitions for other relatives? 不填,因为已经提交了父亲的申请。对不对?-If the I-130 was approved, say "Approved". then, provide the copy of the approved notice. If it is not approved yet, say "Pending". Then, provide the copy of the I-130 receipt notice.
2023-08-02 18:57:10很感谢您!如果在线提交I130,是否要上传父亲的I-130 Receipt在unsolicited evidence里?