-Yes, but she needs to wait for at leat 90 days to file change of status application from B2 to H4. Not good choice.
2. 丈夫持H1B 在美国工作,申请妻子H4去美国大概需要多长时间批准?
-Because your wife is Canadian citizen, she just needs to bring the documents to get the H4 status (I-94) at the port of entry to enter US, not need H4 visa. The documents include your marriage certificate, her Canadian passport and two passport potos, your H1 approval notice, copy of your passport, your employment letter from your employer, and your latest 3-month paycheck stubs amd had better provide the copy of your tax return of 2022 (if any).
3,如果妻子拿到H4 可以合法在美国找工作吗?
-Yes, but she needs to apply for H4 based EAD to work.
2023-10-09 19:59:33非常感谢8老师的回复。再请教