

863211 2023-12-02 19:46:58 ( reads)

老人有老年痴呆,递交N400的时候同时递交了脑科医生签字的N648. 现在收到面试通知,上面并没有提及N648是否被接受了,是否豁免英语考试。不知道面试当天会怎么进行?

-The immigration officer will ask some questions about the applicant illness (evaluation together with the completed N-648 by the Dr.)to see whether the applicant meets the requirments for the medical disability exception. If yes, then the applicant will be granted the disability waiver for the various tests (e.g., English and civil test) for naturalization. If no, the applicant has to conduct the tests as usual or give up the application.


-The kid may accompany the parent to the waiting room. You may ask a friend to be interpreter if the applicant does not know English well or cannot express his/her thinking clearly. The family members will generally be disfavored as interpreter to the applicant. But if you do not have a choice, you can ask the officer whether he/she agree you to  be the interpreter. Some USCIS Field Office may provide the interprter service (you may contact the Field Office to see whether thet have such service).



2023-12-04 09:40:41

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