近期的以SRC240开头的序号似乎只有部分有效,比如SRC240215xxxx, SRC240225xxxx,SRC240235xxxx, SRC240245xxxx, 等。1)序号有什么规律吗?2)数字部分小的一定比数字大的先收到的吗?3)485 case 都有哪些字母开头的序号?
-Receipt number for all the cases (I-130, I-140, I-485, etc.) is the same format. SRC (Texas Service Center), LIN (Nebraska Service Center), etc. are the USCIS Service Center where your case is processed; the next two numbers are the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 and ends on Sept. 30 of the next calendar year (e.g., if your case was received on Oct. 1, 2023 by SRC, then it will be "SRC24....); the next three numbers are the computer workday on which USCIS opened your case (e.g. SRC24021XXXXX means Texas Service Center opened this case on the 21th workday of the 2024 USCIS fiscal year). The Computer workday is counted excluding the weekends and holidays; the last five numbers are the unique case number USCIS assigned to your case specifically.
2023-12-17 18:33:06非常感谢您的信息