

863211 2024-01-11 18:16:37 ( reads)

尊敬的 8老师,
请问入籍时怎样改名字?比如,加一个英文名,把原先的名字做为middle name. 这样改名后, 在认证美国护照和中国护照是同一个人时, 是否会有麻烦?

-It should be fine, but you need to provide the name change certificate. Don't forget to ask the immigration judge to give you the name change certificate during you attend the naturalization ceremony (taking the oath).
另外,新的名字是否应该填在 Form N-400 “Part 2,Informationabout you 的 1”, 原先的名字填在2?

-No. You need to put your current name (the name in your driver license) in Item 1 and Item 2 (the name showed in your green card) of Part 2. Then, answer the question in Item 4 (i.e., select 'Yes") and put your new name  in the boxes of Item 4 of Part 2.

Please note that your new name will be effective only after you get the name change certificate. After you have your new name, you need to update your social security card, update your name in your bank accounts, credit card accounts, your driver license, etc.



2024-01-12 17:10:37

8 老师,还需要您的帮助。


2024-01-12 17:54:03
