2024-02-03 21:36:37
( reads)
1.亲属移民 2013年申请的
2.NVC的申请步骤, 申请的这个过程大概多长时间
-NVC will contact you and send you the instructions. See this link for more information:
3. 申请人在美国还是中国比较快, 移民局批准信说可以在美国也可以在中国
-If the beneficiary is present in US with a legal status, it is faster for him/her to get the green card by filing I-485.
4. 是不是还有排期?
-If the beneficiary is not the immediate relative of a US citizen, then there is 排期.
2024-02-04 05:28:52非常感谢. 非直系亲属移民是不是按美国境内递交I-485也快呢, 如果以美国境内递交I-485是不是需要一直呆美国还是只