

863211 2024-08-15 15:18:40 ( reads)

H1B RFE maintenance of F1 student status问题


我是23年毕业生,23-24年7月处于post completion opt,24年7月转入stem opt extension。我期间大部分时间的雇主为一所大学,stem extension的i-983 training plan也是根据我继续在该大学教书的计划写的。今年夏天我接到了另一所学校的offer,签合同后我在7月从前雇主辞职。stem opt使用了5天,目前是authorized unemployment阶段。


新雇主给我file了h-1b cos申请,目前收到RFE要求提供f1学生身份维持和stem opt compliance的信息。由于前雇主是学校且stem开始5天即辞职的原因,


1)summer没有paystub,因为是summer break学期课程没正式开始

2)虽然有i-983 training plan和final evaluation的提交(我所有雇主变更都向f1学校及时提交了),但由于之前的training plan是基于所教授的课程拟定的,所以完成度很有限。这点在evaluation里提到。


我目前找前雇主写了在职时间和工作职责的说明。F1学校的DSO给出了所有report的证明。已有的paystubs(至暑假前)和i-983等材料也准备了。但是还是担心这种情况下会遇到移民局的审查刁难。因为看有些网站说如果认定是身份不合规可能连现有的opt extension和身份都无法维持。

-Did your school International Student Office put your OPT employment status into SEVIS continuously? If yes, it should be fine. Based on your preparation for the RFE, it seems good. But you may consult an immigration lawyer and tell the lawyer details. I do not think you need to worry too much. Don't forget to provide all the I-20 including the I-20 for your OPT and OPT extension.


请问:这种情况下我应该如何应对?是收集更多材料应对RFE,还是走Consulate Processing,还是withdraw现在刚接的工作offer与h1-b申请?

-Just do your best for the RFE. Never give up the job and H1 status application! If USCIS deny your H1B status, they still may approve the employer's H1B petition and thus, you just need to go outside US to get the H1B visa to come back to work.

