8老师, 非常感谢您!8 老师和“平平呵呵” 请进, 再有问题请教你们
我刚考古 "美国公民过继国内弟弟子女", 发现这个网站
Q1: ”美国公民夫妇过继国内弟弟 12 岁儿子“, 是不是按这个网站上的 ”公约领养“ 一类走?
Q2: 弟弟12岁的儿子在我的监护和与我居住两年的证明, 这样要求是必须的吗?
-You can choose either one of the two processes to adopt your brother's son:
1. You can use the Hague adoption process. Good: the child does not need to live toegther with you for at least two years and the child can get the green card immediately after the adoption is completed. Bad: the process is very complicate and you need to hire an experienced lawyer to help you.
再请教8 老师:
Q3: 我对Hague adoption process 一点不了解。 如果我用Hague adoption process,
而且Hague adoption process 会不会 受8/18 刚中国政府近期调整了跨国收养政策有影响?
"中国政府近期调整了跨国收养政策 - 今后除“外国人来华收养三代以内旁系同辈血亲的子女和继子女”外,
Q4: “you need to hire an experienced lawyer to help you. ”
~ 这个有经验的律师 是中国国内的律师 可以吗?还是必需是美国律师? 您知道律师费大概范围是多少
2. You can use the family-based petition process. Good: the process is simple and you even do not need to hire a lawyer, i.e., you can do it by yourself. Bad: you need to live together with the child for at least two years, i.e., you "must have evidence of a full and final adoption and satisfy the 2-year legal custody and joint residence requirements before the adopted child may be considered their “child” for purposes of immigration benefits".
请教 ‘平平呵呵’:
Q5:不知道像您 在今年7 月提到的旧贴
中提到“孩子在国内时过继给了当时是绿卡的姨妈”, 不知道这里是绿卡身份的姨妈是怎么顺利办理跨国收养侄子的。
事情有点急, 是因为最近我弟家的变故才考虑领养他的孩子。而且我刚意识到我弟的孩子刚已经过了12 岁了两个月了。
考古好像领养中国孩子有个年龄14 岁之前领养批准的限制。
2024-09-12 05:28:54Reply