

863211 2024-09-16 20:30:06 ( reads)

8老师您好: 有几个问题请教您

1 我们E3 签证申请延期被拒绝了, notice date is August 1 2024, 但是上面还有一个stamp 写的是Sep 4, 我们接到信件的日期是Sep 14 日。 那这个 decision date 是不是应该是 Sep 4 ? 因为移民局给我们的Form I-797 Notice of Action receipt 上面的 Notice Date 是7/30/2024, 所以不可能拒签的decision date 是 August 1. 所以我们应该从哪天开始算一个月离境呢?

-You need to leave US as soon as possible. Because your I-94 expired, you do not have grace period of your E3 status.

2 我们的I -94 已经过期了,如果孩子在剩余的一个月内申请F1 是否可以? 因为孩子的签证是E3 dependant, 孩子可以自己单独申请F1 吗,大人都打算回国了,  孩子已经被私校录取,学校可以给开I 20. 孩子可以申请Change of status to F1 吗, 在这一个月内?

-Because your kid's I-94 expired, probably USCIS will deny his/her change of status to F-1 within US, but he/she can get the F-1 visa in Canada or Australia to come back to study. Talk to the International Student Office and they will tell him/her what kind of documents needed for the F-1 visa application outside US.

3 因为我的签证延期被拒, 如果我出美国境内去加拿大, 回来的时候用 ESTA

入境可以吗? 我是签约国护照。会不会因为其他签证延期被拒 ESTA 也不会批准了?

-It should be fine. But you need to leave US before your unlawful presence reaches 180 days from the date your E3 extension was denied.

