我父母亲有绿卡,2025年到期。在2018年6月他们回国,当时持有为期两年的reentry permit。2020年初疫情开始,他们也就没法来美。后来我爸爸因为糖尿病引起的并发症,每隔一天都得进行肾透析。他还因为心脏病多次住院,就没法回到美国。上个月我爸爸因病去世。我想带我妈妈到美国住一段时间,或者和我们生活在一起。我想直接让她做飞机飞美国,在我们这个城市现在有从中国直飞的航班了。如果海关/移民局管的比较松,就直接入关了,皆大欢喜;如果海关管的严,去移民法院上庭,输赢我们都可以接受。我妈妈现在和我哥嫂生活在一起,她80多了,本来也不想过来(主要是怕给我们添麻烦)。我们的想法是先让她过来住几天换一下环境,如果习惯/喜欢就继续和我们一起生活,如果还是故土难离,继续回国养老也可以。我复印了我爸爸的病例和死亡证明,准备翻译一下给海关/移民局官员看。还需要写封信给他们解释/说明情况吗? 谢谢!
-Technically, her green card has been void.
Because she overstayed in China for too long time, four possibilities may occur if she travels to China using the green card:
1. The officer at the port of entry may deny her entry into US because her green card technically was void and thus, she has no chance to go to the immigration court. If that happens, it will hurt her very much physically and psychologically because she is not young.
2. The officer may ask her to abandon the green card at the port of entry and then, issue her B2 status/I-94 to enter US.
3. The officer may allow her to enter US and then, she can go to the immigration court to justify her overstay in China.
4. The officer may make compromise to allow her to enter US using the green card. Thus, she is still a green card holder.
My suggestion is that she may just abandons the green card and then, applies for B2 visa to visit you. If she wants the green card again, you can sponsor her as you did before.
See this link for more information about abandonment of US green card from China:
Abandonment of Status (Form I-407) - U.S. Embassy & Consulates in China (
-It should be fine. The problem probably will occur at the port of entry to US, not the airlines or Chinese Customs.
2024-09-26 18:26:19谢谢8老师,还有个问题