妈妈绿卡今年一月份拿到的,3月初到6月初回国了,现在计划2025年年初回去,并想在国内多待一段时间照顾外婆,请问这种情况下是不是要申请Re-entry permit,为离境美国6个月以上做个准备。
-If she returns within one year, she does not need reentry permit. But because she is not sure how long she will stay in China, she had better apply for the reentry permit.
1. 申请绿卡的时候,一起提交过I-131, Application for Travel Documents, Parole Documents, and Arrival/Departure Records,但绿卡批准那天,case was terminated/denied了。可以在那个基础上再次提交吗?
-No. That I-131 wass for advance parole application, so it is irrelevant to the new I-131 application for reentry permit.
是否可以免去再交一次filing fee?
-No. She needs to pay the new I-131 filing fee.
2. 如果6个月之内返美,是不是申请Re-entry permit会把事情弄麻烦。
-No. It affects nothing.
据说就算有Re-entry permit,还是需要证明在国外逗留的目的与此前申请提交的I-131表格里所述的临时目的一致。
-Don't beleive so called "据说".
-Not need to provide anything. Just use the reentry permit to enter US.
2024-11-02 17:45:00离境一年,还是离境6个月不需要?