请教您一个签证问题:我的一位朋友是美国公民,已于8年前为他妹妹和妹妹尚未成年的孩子提交了I-130,目前仍处于排队等待。现在妹妹和孩子想申请B1/B2签证。这种情况下,她们应该如何回答DS-160申请表中“Has anyone ever filed an immigrant petition on your behalf with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services?”孩子将来准备来美上学,提前把孩子从I-130表中删除,是否有助于她获得F1签证
-His sister needs to say "Yes" and the kid just says "No". Not need to remove the kid's name from the I-130 because the kid is listed as his sister's family member. The I-130 beneficiary is his sister, not the kid. In the future, the kid is her mother's derivative to get the green card. Before the kid applies for green card as the derivative, the I-130 is irrelevant to the kid.
If the kid applies for F-1 visa, she does not need to mention the I-130 because it is irrelavant to the kid as I explain above.