

最西边的岛上 2023-11-25 07:37:48 ( reads)



1. bike or walk or hike everyday, when there is no rain or snow

2. book and online reading

3. we have joined around 10 social media sites ( most are English) locally and globally to read, learn, and contribute 

4. take care our rescued aging cat

5. garden work (we have a good size yard with more than 20 big trees)

6. do one big or few small house projects in summer, and art work in winter 

7. we have no pension nor any benefits nor 地主,so are living on our investment which takes a bit time to manage 

8. the last but not the least important: cook and eat two and half healthy meals each and everyday


9. watching movies or tv shows most nights.

Attached are a few pictures of our cat, the backyard shed and a living edge table we built with our own hands, and two drawings I have done.



