
you should read my post again,,,

hercules007 2012-03-19 18:00:21 ( reads)

Your reply post suggests to me that you are not getting my point.

You talk about beef, milk, houses etc.  Can central banks put these things on their balance sheets?

Can these consummer goods be used to support an international currency/monetary system design?

You are worriying about daily survival things. If you are indeed worrying about or thinking about these things, then indeed, there is no need to worry about gold.

You think about gold only AFTER all your living/survival needs are more than adequately taken care of.

Gold is a luxury. I hear people say, "democracy is a luxury", in the same vein, gold is also a "luxury".



2012-03-19 19:05:18

Self-claimed long-term visionary "Luxury Investor"?


2012-03-19 19:43:54

Again, you are comparing the return,,,


2012-03-19 20:06:34

my best gold stock SLR returned 1000% in 3 years