Talking about inflation, it has been there for a hundred yaers already, why do we see abrupt down for a 20+ years span (1982--2003) ? Didn't we have lot of inflation during those years ? People live with limited life span nobody live forever, if someone bought it in 1982 he can't see that price until 2009. So it is 27 years, and rember this $800 in 2009 is NOT equal to $800 in $1982. $800 in 1982 worths at least $2000 today. This means this buyer waits until today and he still has not gotten his oney back yet. How do you convince people that today's peak is not 1981's peak ? Don't just say you think so. Give us the real points.
Jim Sinclair claimed Gold price trend in 1970s and 2001. He was lucky that he was right. We all know -- The history creates hero, hero does not create history. The history is --- 1) There was special financial circumstances that support growing of gold price at that time; 2) gold price was in historial low at that point. You need BOTH of these 2 points. At this moment, you only have the first one, but you are buying at high price.
2012-03-22 15:43:04more replies