
ok here it is,,,

hercules007 2012-03-22 18:09:05 ( reads)

" But I know if I use 0.04% inflation rate, his $800 should be worth $2100 today. "

1. good evidence that gold price has been suppressed.

2. every dog has its day in the Sun. This is a time for gold to shine, and shine brightly.

"don't sound like you know Jesus is coming to see you tomorrow"

No, he/she/it will not come to see me, I am not religious.

The timeframe for gold cycles are bigger than most asset cycles. This is because gold cycles are cycles in monetary systems, and the price ranges are bigger too.

So you can pick $800 in 1980 to frame your arguement. Gold at $800 and over only lasted less than 2 days in 1980. Most of the time it stayed below $500.

But anyway today is not 1980.  Back then the US was the biggest creditor nation, the biggest industrial manufacturing nation on earth. Today, the US is the biggest debtor nation running perennial triple deficits and has to borrow to live till the next day. There is an end to this, and you will see gold at the end of all this.

There is no ultimate debt distinguisher under the current system. To save the economy, to save the system, you have to eliminate or significantly reduce debt. The current system lacks effective tools/means and mechanism to do that. Gold has to come back into the system to perform that function. It is already walking back toward the system, if you can see it.
