
never doubted the golden bull,,,

hercules007 2012-04-11 18:10:20 ( reads)

From Gary Tanashian recently: 

"...it appears that some powerful forces have begun a campaign, which has included Ben Bernanke's recent lectures and JPM's 'Head of Global Commodities' Blythe Masters protesting a bit too much on CNBC about JPM silver manipulation being speculated upon in the blogosphere.  Famously, it has also included Warren Buffett deciding now would be a good time to ruminate about gold's lack of utility and thus, value.  And then there is the big one, Dennis Gartman being cited in Forbes with Gold's Decade-Long Bull Run Is Dead, Gartman Says.  Phew!  That's a lot to deal with."
Mahatma Gandhi:  "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."
My comment: looking back, the gold bull market was ignored before the price reached USD$1,000 in 2008; then came the big correction during the Lehman induced credit squeeze, and from then until August last year when gold reached USD$1920, it was rediculed; There was this famous economics professor Roubini from New York University pronoucing $2,000 Gold ‘Utter Nonsense’ (Roubini Says Rogers’s $2,000 Gold ‘Utter Nonsense’ : http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=aOfwpkHV2clM&pos=5) and once it threatened to go above USD$2,000, they started to fight back.
Mahatma Gandhi:  "First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win."



2012-04-11 19:34:40

I like Gandhi's words.