
我也用TA。 但那些中文网站的社区里有很多游记,系统地记录了作者的旅行,有很多从交通、住宿到观光的小贴士。

goingplaces 2024-05-22 13:30:41 ( reads)

 TA的回答五花八门,而且很多常客思想比较封闭 相信他们是专家,即使是错的 过时的观点和信息, 也无法接受不同的意见。而且回复通常都是漫无目的的,甚至常常与你问的问题无关。

当然也有一些非常优秀的 posters,但是那些“本土专家”往往很烦人。

Flyertalk 是我经常使用的,不能缺少的, 另一个英文网站。他们的目的地论坛不像TA那么详细,但我发现Flyertalk的参与者更加Sophsticated 和知识渊博。90% of my specific questions can get some answers.  

Such as our last trip we flew back from ZRH to US -  Munich train to ZRH,  then the next morning fly out.  I asked about which Hyatt I should pick at ZRH, is it worthwhile to go in the city for the few hours,  how much time I need to factor in between hotel and airport check in counter,  even though they are connected thru a tunnel of some sort...  Lounge at the airport, etc etc.  I got all the answers within a day the questions posted... with additional suggestions...呵呵

这可能是因为 Flyertalk 的主要关注点是航空公司和酒店的常旅客计划,usually those who care about such, do travel A Lot, both on business and on pleasure, hence they learn/know a lot of the ins and outs related to travel. 

