
這個網站甚至有一個圖表來顯示 Block Time 如何計算。

goingplaces 2024-06-25 12:01:23 ( reads)
https://www.isarsoft.com/knowledge-hub/block-time 該圖非常清晰且不言自明  只需 5 秒的 google 搜尋就能找到多個網站來解釋術語 Block Time.  The end, or In Block time point is the Arrival Time shown on your ticket, not what OP insists as the touching down time. Off Block - from the departure gate, the ground crew remove the black blocker so the plane can move away from the gate.  In Block - at the arrival gate, the ground crew place the black blocker so the plane cannot move after the full stop. Both Taxi Out and Taxi In time are included in the calculation Block Time - the Block Time is how airlines used to schedule its schedules, NOT the take off / touch down spot time!  Airlines cannot use the take off / touch down time to schedule their flights.  Period.  So simple yet seems so difficult for the OP to grasp the concept.  
