
回复:回复:建議您諮詢律師 NOW !

beiyunshan 2006-09-27 04:33:22 ( reads)

If possible, obtain a female, middle-aged, and motherly looking attorney. Whenever you discuss your case, do not sound that you are trying to find excuses or justifications for your action and that you are simply worried about your future. Do not even try to accuse the social worker and the policeman. You should show your remorse, which itself will reflect you love for you child. I hope you truly repent and will not hurt your child again.

In this country (U.S.), if you work hard, you are able to fulfill most of your dreams. However, the years we spend with our children are so short. Let me tell you (as a mother of a grown child) that the best years of my life are the years when my little boy was young and when I was taking care of him. Now I only wish that I had loved him even more!



2006-09-27 09:12:31

You don't have to convince your lawyer anything. However


2006-09-27 09:21:08

Your attroney is trying to convince other people here