
This is a mistake and a big/stupid one, I understand

jojo1971 2007-08-02 10:18:10 ( reads)

yr frustration, just hope yr hus learned the lesson and never made such mistake again!

I, for example, there's a morning when I stepped into the office, I got a phone call from business side asking me to delete a video clip from our website, I don't have privilege to do that, so I told him that I need someone to authorize me a window to do it, but my manager wouldn't come into office for another 10-20 min, but he don't want to wait, eventually he got hold of big boss and gave me the window... During all those time, I could easily take a look at what exactly that clip is, but I didn't, coz I don't want to take any risk to lose my job... Eventually I got the window, then deleted that clip immediately!

For yr hu*****and, since he's a contracter instead of employee, he might be able to file the law suit and ask for wrongful dismissal, but it might not worth it since he will need another job in the future, anyway, learn from yr mistake and do better next time!
