Good news
Surviving Divorced Spouse
If you are the divorced spouse of a worker who dies, you could get benefits the same as a widow or widower, provided that your marriage lasted 10 years or more.
Benefits paid to you as a surviving divorced spouse won't affect the benefit amount for other survivors getting benefits on the worker's record.
If you remarry after you reach age 60 (age 50 if you have a disability), the remarriage will not affect your eligibility for survivors benefits.
If you are caring for a child under age 16 or who has a disability and the child get benefits on the record of your former spouse, you would not have to meet the length-of-marriage rule. The child must be your former spouse's natural or legally adopted child.
2022-12-07 15:10:30一个人有几个离婚的ex ,都没有再婚,SSA 要付给每一个ex 吗?