We, the readers, honor Dr. Wang Youqin with our「Reader’s Prize」
$12285 by 113 readers via gofundme.com
我們,113名普通讀者,在今天,2023年5月16日,這個特殊的日子,為王友琴博士頒發「讀者獎」,來珍賞她在中國大陸被禁的著作《文革受難者》和網頁中國文革受難者紀念園 – 中国文革受难者纪念园 – Chinese Cultural Revolution Holocaust Memorial,以及她近半個世紀堅持做歷史義工、記錄文革慘劇的努力。
We, 113 ordinary readers, on this special day,5/16/2023, present Dr. Wang Youqin with the "Reader’s Prize" to honor her both banned books
《Victims Of The Cultural Revolution》and her webpage 中国文革受难者纪念园 – Chinese Cultural Revolution Holocaust Memorial CCRHM.ORG by Beijing regime, as well as to appreciate her nearly half a century volunteer work to preserve history, and record the tragedy of the Cultural Revolution.
Although gofundm.com is also censored in mainland China, within less than two weeks the fund had been raised over $10,000 with this link:https://gofund.me/4dc66230
Death is not the end, but oblivion is.
The tragedy of the Cultural Revolution should never happen again.
此外,我們草根讀者組成一個12人的「禮物與問候」小組,每月寄一個包裹,裡面有溫暖的致意。我們不想讓張純如式的結局發生了才去後悔 (張純如是《南京大屠殺》的作者,出書後不久由於抑鬱症而自殺)。
In addition, 12 of our readers formed a grassroots group to ship a Gift monthly with warm Greeting to express our gratitude. We do not want to repeat the regret for her suicide due to depression not long after her book published. (author of 《The Rape of Nanking》).
五月的祝福已經發出: 三個蘋果五個梨。盒子上寫著:「熱愛你記錄歷史的努力— 一個仰慕者」。
This May, a box with three apples and five pears has been sent, and a note that read, 「Love your effort for recording history — An Admirer」.
On the way to document history, Dr. Wang will receive visible and audible warm encouragement continuously.
Of the millions of Soviets citizens killed by Stalin's Great Purge, the famous Russian poet Anna Akhmatova wrote:
I would like to call you all by name,
but they have lost the lists….
So far, 1,345,796 USSR victims’ names, the time of executions and the specific circumstances have all been written down.
Today, 57 years ago in 1966, the Cultural Revolution officially kicked off with the "5.16 Notice".
- 七百四十五萬人受迫害
- 四百二十萬人被關押審查
- 一百七十二萬八千人自殺
- 高級知識分子死亡達二十萬人
On December 13, 1978, at the conference of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, Ye Jianying announced that after two years and seven months of investigation, the figures related to the "Cultural Revolution" were verified as follows:
- 7.45 million people were persecuted
- 4.2 million people detained for censorship
- 1,728,000 suicides
- 200,000 senior intellectuals died
Thanks to Dr. Wang Youqin! From the history black hole — not only their lives were destroyed, but also their names had been wiped, she revived 659 dead and silent suffering Chinese souls with their names, with their death time, with their death locations and their death encounters. More records are on the way.
Her records are not taboo for the venerable, not for the powerful, but for the truth. That's because there is great benevolence inside, so there is great courage outside, and then great kindness, so it is great beauty!
It may not be just a coincidence that Dr. Friedrich August von Hayek and Dr. Hannah Arendt both left their footprints at UChicago, and Dr. Wang Youqin teaches there.
Victims of the Cultural Revolution: Testimonies of China's Tragedy https://a.co/d/e7dS2KG
If many enough people are aware of the devastation of the Cultural Revolution, the world, and indeed, China, would be safe.
Victims of the Cultural Revolution: Testimonies of China's Tragedy https://a.co/d/e7dS2KG
Thank you for the prize designers!
Thank you for your participation!
WinterGreen Stone
Tiananmen Square Student
Medical Image System Engineer