傅敏老师头顶的伤疤 王友琴
傅敏老师和我在2014年6月见过面。那次见面时,他告诉我,他在1968年企图自杀,没有死成, 在头顶留下大伤疤。他的头发原来是向右分的,后来他把头发分向了左边,以遮住伤疤。
他用手撩开头发,给我看,他头发下的伤疤。 他比我个子高,他低下头,我才能看见他头顶的伤疤。 我看着他的伤疤,说不出话来。
我在《文革受难者》书(2004年在香港出版)里写了傅敏老师的父亲,翻译家傅雷,和他的母亲 朱梅馥。傅雷夫妇从1940年代一直住在上海。1958年傅雷被划为“右派分子”。1966年夏天,在 红卫兵暴力的高潮中,他们遭到连续多日抄家和“斗争”。1966年9月3日晚,他们夫妻在家中一 起上吊身亡。我的书稿是2003年完成的,之前我往傅敏老师工作的北京第七中学打过多次电 话,没有能找到他。
傅敏老师的哥哥是钢琴家傅聪,1950年代获得国际钢琴比赛奖。父亲被划成“右派分子”时,他 在波兰,他出走英国。于是,傅聪在中国一直被指为“叛国分子”。有人告诉我傅聪在英国的电 话号码。我打了,没有人接。我本想从他哥哥那里知道傅敏的联络方式,可是没成。
傅敏生于1937年,1963年从北京外国语学院毕业,分配到北京第一女子中学担任初中英文老 师。这所中学和北京其他中学一样,1966年8月开始了红卫兵暴力高潮。学校负责人张乃一 (女)被毒打,被丢在石灰坑里,得了败血症,几乎死去。一名叫马铁山的校工在校中上吊身 亡。马铁山的家属在农村,没有人记得他哪天死亡。
傅敏被学生贴大字报,被画了漫画。他有一台英文打字机,被红卫兵拿走,说是发报机。1966 年9月初,他接到在上海的舅舅的电报:父母亡故。他立刻明白了,父母自杀了。他给舅舅打了 长途电话:一切后事请舅舅处理。
那天和傅敏老师一起来的有1966年女一中的几个学生。据一人说,当时红卫兵把傅敏收到的 电报当胜利消息在学校里传播。他们说了女一中几个红卫兵头头的名字,都是高级干部的女儿 ,因为女一中就在中南海旁边。
当时女一中改名“红大一附中”。八月里,他们和其他中学的红卫兵,“取缔”了北京东单三条的修 女院。(见《人民日报》的报道照片。)在当时留下的照片上,可以看到大弯腰被“斗争”的修女, 也可以看到女一中的红卫兵。有一名修女被打死。
傅敏熬过了1966年——我把1966年称为文革迫害和杀戮的第一高峰。1968年则是第二高峰。 1968年8月,毛泽东派遣解放军和工人组成的“毛泽东思想宣传队”进驻全国所有的学校。傅敏 老师被他们宣布“隔离审查”,关在学校中。后来,这种建立在每个工作单位的、关押人的地方, 被叫做“牛棚”,因为在那里被关押的人都被叫为“牛鬼蛇神”。傅敏被关在学校里,有红卫兵看 守。他说他想到自己父母双亡,哥哥远在英国,女朋友和他绝交了。他说,他不怨她。他想要自 杀。第一次,他在男厕所摸电门,没有死,因为他穿着橡胶底的所谓“解放鞋”。然后,他想了另 外三种死法:1. 在该校东院和西院间的马路上撞行驶中的汽车。2. 跳进墙外的故宫护城河淹 死,那时他不会游泳。3. 把看守他的人激怒,让他们打死他。他先用了第二种办法。上厕所是 定时的,而且是有人跟随的。那天跟随的是个女红卫兵。那人等在门外。傅敏从厕所后墙的小 窗户逃了出去,跳入了故宫护城河。护城河水不深。故宫护城河是花岗岩砌成的,他把头用力 撞向花岗岩,流了很多很多血。
那个女红卫兵见傅敏不出厕所,叫了一个男生进去看,发现他跳窗逃走。他们追到河边,把傅 敏抓上了岸。他被放在平板车上送到附近医院。医生不用麻药,在他头上缝了几针。医生说, 这个人真厉害,没用麻药就缝了针。傅敏又被押回关他的地方。
从1968年8月到1969年春节,他被关了半年。定性为“犯有严重政治错误”。在那期间,被关在 他隔壁房间的副校长王玉珍,逃出“牛棚”,叫了丈夫顾家淦,两个人会合后无路可走,当晚投 入“京密引水渠”,夫妻一起死亡。
此后,傅敏老师在女一中一直没有教过课,只是做打扫厕所、运送大粪之类的事情。文革结束 后,他调进了北京第七中学。他本来就是个很好的英文老师,后来被评为特级教师。他编辑出 版了《傅雷家书》,影响很大。
在最近的视频上,可以看到,傅敏老师的骨灰和他父母的骨灰放在了一起,还有他哥哥傅聪的 衣冠。傅聪先生于2020年底在英国染上新冠病毒去世。
实际上,在文革中被迫害死的人里,极少有人的骨灰能够得到保留。我写了北京大学文革中被 迫害死的63名受难者,只有一名是有墓的。陈信德老师1969年被逮捕,1970年死于山西长治 狱中。他的妻子是日本人,文革后带女儿去了日本,在日本写书描述了陈信德老师的悲惨遭 遇。1995年,他的女儿到长治监狱,找到了父亲埋在两个对扣的陶缸里的遗体,火化后带到日 本,放入她们买好的墓地。陈信德老师给中国人写了最好的日文文法书。他是北大63名受难 者中唯一有墓的受难者,而且墓中有他的骨灰。
傅雷夫妇的骨灰被保存下来,是因为一位名叫江小燕的上海无业女青年,冒充家人到火葬场 领取了他们的骨灰。在当时的情景中,实在是一个非常非常勇敢的行动。因为江小燕,才能有 现在为傅雷一家举行的合葬仪式。
中国是一个文明古国。几千年前,中国人就为死者修建坟墓。这是人类文明社会和其他动物的 根本区别之一。文革害死了千百万受难者,还不准给他们修坟立碑。文革后,受难者们得到了 平反。但是,我2000年在芝加哥大学网站上建立的第一个《文革受难者纪念园》,17个月后,就 在中国大陆被禁止;我在2022年再建《文革受难者纪念园》ccrhm.org,六个月后,再次在中国 大陆被禁止。为此,在哀悼傅敏老师去世的时候,我写下此文,关于傅敏老师头顶的伤疤。
Google translate:
The scar on Mr. Fu Min's head
by Dr. Wang Youqin on May 27, 2023
Mr. Fu Min passed away in Shanghai on May 19, 2023 at the age of 86.
The news has been circulated in the internet, which also introduced him, his parents and his older brother.
The description of the late writer Ye Yonglie is: Fu Min looks very much like his father Fu Lei, although the directions of their hair combing are different.
I know why Mr. Fu Min's hair was combed to the left. That was not an accidental personal choice.
Mr. Fu Min and I met in June 2014. When we met, he told me that he attempted suicide in 1968, but survived, leaving a big scar on the top of his head. His hair was originally parted to the right, but he later parted it to the left to hide the scar.
He rubbed his hair back with his hands and showed me the wound under his hair.
He was taller than me, and he bended down so I could see the wound clearly on the top of his head.
Looking at his wound, I was speechless.
In my book "Cultural Revolution Victims" (published in Hong Kong in 2004), I wrote about Mr. Fu Min's father, translator Mr. Fu Lei, and his mother Zhu Meifu. The Fu Lei couple had lived in Shanghai since the 1940s. In 1958, Fu Lei was designated as a "rightist". In the summer of 1966, at the climax of the Red Guards' violence, they were ransacked and violently insulted for several consecutive days. On the night of September 3, 1966, the couple hanged themselves to death together at home. My manuscript was completed in 2003. Before that, I called Mr. Fu Min many times at Beijing No. 7 Middle School, but I couldn't reach him.
Fu Min's elder brother is the pianist Fu Cong, who won the International Piano Competition Award in the 1950s. Fu Cong was in Poland when his father Fu Lei was branded as a "rightist" (a category of the enemy). He escaped to the UK as a refugee. Indeed, Fu Cong had been accused of being a "traitor" in China since then for decades. Someone told me Fu Cong's phone number in the UK. I called, but no one answered. I wanted to know Fu Min’s contact information from his brother, but failed.
In June 2014, ten years after the publication of Victims of the Cultural Revolution, Fu Min and I met in Beijing.
Fu Min was born in 1937, graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1963, and was assigned to Beijing No. 1 Girls Middle School as a junior high school English teacher. Like other middle schools in Beijing, this middle school experienced a climax of Red Guard violence in August 1966. The head of the school, Zhang Naiyi (female), was severely beaten and thrown into a lime pit. She contracted septicemia and almost died. A janitor named Ma Yinshan hanged himself in the school. Ma Yinshan's home was in the countryside, and no one remembered the date when he died.
Fu Min was posted big-character posters and drawn cartoons by his students. He had an English typewriter, which was taken away by the Red Guards, who said it was a telegraph machine. In early September 1966, he received a telegram from his uncle in Shanghai: his parents had passed away. He understood immediately that Dad and Mom had committed suicide. He made a long-distance call to his uncle: please take care of all leftover matters.
Several students from the 1966 Girls' No. 1 Middle School came with Fu Min that day to meet me. It is said that some students claimed that the Red Guards spread the telegrams received by Fu Min as victory news in the school. They mentioned the names of several Red Guard leaders in the No. 1 Girls' Middle School, all of whom were the daughters of high-ranking officers, because No. 1 Girls' Middle School is adjacent to the headquarter of the CCP.
At that time, the No. 1 Middle School was renamed to a revolutionary kind. In August, they and their middle school Red Guards "dismantled" the women's college in Santiao, Dongdan, Beijing. (See the report from People’s Daily.) In the photos left at that time, one can see the nuns bent over and being insulted, and one can also see the Red Guards from the No. 1 Girl’s Middle School. A nun was killed.
Fu Min survived 1966 - I call 1966 the first peak of persecution and killings during the Cultural Revolution. 1968 was the second peak. In August 1968, Mao Zedong sent the "Mao Zedong Thought Propaganda Team" composed of PLA and workers to each and every school across the country. Fu Min was declared "isolated and inspected" by them and locked up in the school. Later, this kind of place was erected in each work unit where detainees were held, and it was called "cow shed", because the detainees there were called "ghosts and snakes spirit". Fu Min was locked in the school and guarded by Red Guards. He said he thought of his father's death, his brother in the UK, and his girlfriend who broke up with him. He said he didn't blame her. He wanted to kill himself. The first time he touched the electric switch in the men's room, he survived because he was wearing so-called "liberation shoes" with rubber soles. Then, he thought of three other ways to die: 1. Hitting a car among horses on the road between the east and west campuses of the school. 2. Jumped into the moat of the Forbidden City outside the wall and drowned. He couldn't swim at that time. 3. Angry his guards and let them beat him to death. He used the second method first. Going to the bathroom was scheduled and followed. That day was followed by a female Red Guard. She was waiting outside the door. Fu Min escaped from the small window in the back wall of the bathroom and jumped into the moat of the Forbidden City. The moat was not deep enough. The moat of the Forbidden City was hewn out of granite. He slammed his head against the granite and bled a lot.
Seeing that Fu Min was not going out of the bathroom, the female Red Guard called a boy to go in and check, only to find that he jumped out of the window and escaped. They chased to the river and took Fu Min ashore. There he was taken on a flatbed to a nearby clinic. The doctor sewed several stitches on his head without anesthesia. The doctor said that this man was so tough that he had stitches without anesthesia. Fu Min was escorted back to his place.
From August 1968 to the Spring Festival of 1969, he was imprisoned for half a year. Characterized as "committing a serious political issue". During that time, Wang Yuzhen, the vice principal who was locked in the room next to him, escaped from the "cowshed" and called her husband Gu Jiagan. After the two met, they had nowhere to go. They threw themselves into the "Jingmi Diversion Canal" that night, and the husband and wife died together. .
Since then, Fu Min had never been allowed to teach in the No. 1 Girls Middle School, but only cleaned toilets and transported human stools. After the Cultural Revolution, he was transferred to Beijing No. 7 Middle School. He was actually an excellent English teacher, and was later promoted as a highest ranked star teacher. He edited and published "Fu Lei's Family Letter", which had a great influence.
In the recent video, it can be seen that Fu Min's ashes were put together with his parents' , as well as with his older brother Fu Cong's clothes. Mr. Fu Cong died of the COVID in the UK at the end of 2020.
In fact, among the people who were persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution, the ashes of very few people can be kept. I wrote about the 63 victims who were persecuted to death during the Cultural Revolution at Peking University, and only one had a tomb. Prof. Chen Xinde was hunted down in 1969 and died in Shanxi Changzhi Prison in 1970. His wife was Japanese. After the Cultural Revolution, she took his daughter to Japan and wrote a book in Japanese describing the tragic experience of her husband. In 1995, his daughter went to Changzhi Prison and found his father's body buried in two interlocking ceramics. After cremation, she brought it to Japan and put it in the cemetery they bought. Prof. Chen Xinde wrote the best Japanese grammar book for Chinese people. He is the only victim among the 63 victims of Peking University who has a tomb, and his ashes are in the tomb.
The Fu Lei couple’s ashes were preserved because a jobless young girl named Jiang Xiaoyan from Shanghai pretended to be her family and went to the crematorium to collect their ashes. In the context of the situation at the time, it was actually a very, very brave action. Because of Jiang Xiaoyan, the joint burial ceremony held for Fu Lei's family is now possible.
China has a civilized country with a long history. Thousands of years ago, the Chinese built tombs for the dead. This is one of the fundamental differences between humans and other animals. The Cultural Revolution killed millions of victims, and they were not allowed to build graves or erect tombstones for them. After the Cultural Revolution, the victims were rehabilitated. However, the first "Cultural Revolution Victims Memorial" I established on the website of the University of Chicago in 2000 was banned in mainland China 17 months later; I rebuilt the "Cultural Revolution Victims Memorial" in 2022 in a new domain as ccrhm. org,
was again banned in mainland China six months later. For this reason, when mourning the passing away of Fu Min, I wrote this essay about the scars on the top of Fu Min's head.