
hoho,○○ 这次 眼大无神 啊 :)

弓尒 2013-04-17 15:36:00 ( reads)

Can you hear the difference?

In any case, I have a fun test for everyone: Listen to these 2 clips. One is encoded at 128kbps and the other is encoded at 320kbps (over twice the bit rate). Can you tell the difference?

Clip 1:



Clip 2:



Listen carefully

Which audio clip sounds better to you (and find out the answer) ?


 Clip #1  Clip #2



If you liked this post, you should also try our online hearing test.




2013-04-17 18:46:01

是你贴短不显,现在看见了,#1 湿 #2 干!鉴定完毕!