Eric Clapton / Unplugged
艾力克萊普頓 / MTV傳真─現場原音演唱會專輯
發行公司:warner music
演出者:艾力克萊普頓 Eric Clapton
收錄葛萊美獎「最佳唱片」與「年度歌曲」"Tears In Heaven"、「最佳搖滾歌曲」"Lalay"等14首現場原音演唱經典版本
這是一場吉他語絲、蒼涼嗓音與心靈耳朵的對話。吉他之神Eric Clapton於’93年曾帶著一把空心吉他,為一小群幸運觀眾做了一次精彩絕倫的原音演出,這場小型的演唱會後來透過MTV電台的轉播更引起不絕好評。本張專輯「Unplugged」即萃選該演唱會中的精華曲目,包括MTV未轉播的部份作品。在數位藍調好手的烘托相助之下,Eric將他個人不同年代的曲調扮上新妝,可以一聽前所未聞的Eric Clapton,沒有擴大器、沒有合成效果,只有一位吉他大師滿腔滿懷的熱情與絕技,臨場感絕佳,每一篇樂章在吉他六弦的拉、撩、撥、掃之下,發出藍調美學的詠嘆。本輯除了Top 10經典"Layla"、"Before You Accuse Me"、"Old Love"等舊作外,’92年春天摘下全美亞軍的淒然輓歌"Tears In Heaven"也在其中。Eric在歌壇浮浮沈沈四個十年,咀嚼著成名、失利、酗酒、嗑藥、得獎、喪子的酸甜苦辣的人生之後,大口舒吐音樂家的豪意與暢情,譜出一段吉他與藍調搖滾相戀一生的故事。

Chart History/Awards
– Reached #1 on the Billboard 200.
– Won the GRAMMYS for Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Best Pop Vocal Performance, Male, Best Rock Vocal Performance, Male and Best Rock Song.
– One of Q’s “100 Greatest British Albums.”
– One of Guitar World’s “Top Ten Guitar Albums of 1992.”
This remastered version of Unplugged is Eric Clapton’s Diamond-certified masterpiece. It is responsible for introducing the “unplugged” craze of the ‘90s. It reached #1 on the Billboard 200 and features performances of hits including “Tears In Heaven,” “Running On Faith” and “Layla.” It won six GRAMMYS? including Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year, Best Pop Vocal Performance, Male, Best Rock Vocal Performance, Male and Best Rock Song. It has sold over ten million copies in the United States and is one of Q’s “100 Greatest British Albums” and one of Guitar World’s “Top Ten Guitar Albums of 1992.”
For the original album’s 14 performances, Clapton reinterpreted songs from his rich catalog, including “Layla” – completely reimagined as a shuffle – from his time with Derek and the Dominos, “Running On Faith” and “Old Love” from 1989’s Journeyman, and the hit single “Tears In Heaven,” a song he wrote after the passing of his young son Conor the previous year. Much of the album showcases blues songs Clapton grew up listening to, like Bo Diddley’s “Before You Accuse Me,” Big Bill Broonzy’s “Hey Hey,” Leadbelly’s “Alberta” and Robert Johnson’s “Malted Milk.”
【試聽曲目】 · · · · · ·
01 - Eric Clapton - Signe
02 - Eric Clapton - Before You Accuse Me
03 - Eric Clapton - Hey Hey
04 - Eric Clapton - Tears in Heaven
05 - Eric Clapton - Lonely Stranger
06 - Eric Clapton - Nobody Knows When You're Down & Out
07 - Eric Clapton - Layla
08 - Eric Clapton - Running on Faith
09 - Eric Clapton - Walkin' Blues
10 - Eric Clapton - Alberta
11 - Eric Clapton - San Francisco Bay Blues
12 - Eric Clapton - Malted Milk
13 - Eric Clapton - Old Love
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