Duets & Arias · Duette & Arien
Andrea Bocelli
Marina Domashenko
Eva Mei · Bryn Terfel
Orchestre Philharmonique de
Radio France
Myung-Whun Chung
July 12, 2010
The world's most popular tenor, in the world's most popular opera? Do you suppose this will sell?
Decca aren't taking any chances anyway, making it available as a complete CD set with full libretto, and as a single-disc collection of Duets & Arias. The peculiar tragic nobility of Bocelli's voice is perfectly suited to the role of Don José, but the clinching elements are the supporting performances, particularly Marina Domashenko in the title role, whose plummily graceful tones bring just the right note of quixotic disdain to the part; and Bryn Terfel, who delivers the "Toreador's Song" with a swashbuckling gusto.
What a pleasant surprise that this recording of duets and arias from Carmen, which on the basis of its packaging looks like it was intended to be essentially a showcase for Andrea Bocelli, is an entirely respectable version of highlights from the opera. Much of the credit goes to Myung-Whun Chung, who leads Orchestra Philharmonique de Radio France in an exceptionally brisk account of the score, starting with a Prélude that's bracingly impetuous, but he can be languidly flexible when the music calls for it. The singing itself is largely of a high quality, and most reservations come from the singers' lack of full dramatic engagement with the material, and with each other; there is little chemistry between the two leads, for instance. Marina Domashenko has the vocal resources necessary for the role, and she's effective in the seductive moments, but she fails to project the fiery temperament and emotional complexity of the most persuasive Carmens. Bocelli is most successful in the music that allows him to sing sweetly, such as his Act I interactions with Mica?la, but his Don José is always believably human; he, more fully than Domashenko, embodies his character's development, particularly his growing desperation. His lack of vocal consistency is problematic, but at his best here, the fullness of his tone and the discipline of his phrasing might well surprise his critics. Eva Mei is a sweet-voiced but somewhat bland Mica?la. As Escamillo, Bryn Terfel is strong and nuanced; his experience and his musical and dramatic depth stand out. There is so much exceptional music in Carmen that a single disc can't contain all the highlights one could hope for (but for those who want the whole opera these excerpts are taken from a complete recording), and all the big, predictable numbers are here, including the Habanera, Seguidilla, Toreador Song, a big chunk of the Act II reunion of Carmen and Don José, and the final scene. Decca's sound is clean and balanced.
1 Prelude Orchestra 前奏曲
2 L'Amour Est Un Oiseau Rebelle (Habanera) 愛情像一隻自由的小鳥
Chorus – Marina Domashenko
3 Carmen! Sur Tes Pas Nous Nous Pressons Tous! 卡門,我們緊跟在妳的身後
4 Parle-Moi De Ma Mere!...Ma Mere. Je La Vois! 母親告訴我
5 Que Son Fils L'aime Et Venere 她的兒子喜歡
Featuring – Andrea Bocelli, Eva Mei
6 Pres Des Remparts De Seville (Seguedille) 在塞維亞附近的城牆
Featuring – Andrea Bocelli, Marina Domashenko
7 Votre Toast, Je Peux Vous Le Rende (Toreador's Song) 我回敬你們(鬥牛士之歌)
Chorus – Bryn Terfel, Delphine Haidan, Magali Léger, Marina Domashenko, Thierry Félix
8 Halte-La! Qui Va La? Dragon D`Alcala! 站住!去哪裡?
9 Je Vais Danser En Votre Honneur 為你跳舞是我的榮幸
Featuring – Andrea Bocelli, Marina Domashenko
10 La Fleur Que Tu M'Avais Jette (Flower Song) 妳給我的那朵花
Featuring – Andrea Bocelli
11 Non!Tu Ne M'aimes Pas! 不!你不愛我!
Featuring – Andrea Bocelli, Marina Domashenko
12 Hola! Carmen! 卡門,妳好
Chorus – Alain Gabriel, Andrea Bocelli, Marina Domashenko, Olivier Lallouette, Thierry Félix
13 Je Dis Que Rien Ne M’Epouvante 這些走私犯
14 Je Suis Escamillo 我是埃斯卡密羅
15 Hola! Hola! Jose! 嘿,嘿
16 Halte! Quelqu’Un Est La 等一下,有人
17 C'Est Toi! 是你/是我
- 01. andrea-bocelli-prelude
- 02. andrea-bocelli-lamour-est-un-oiseau-rebelle
- 03. andrea-bocelli-carmen-sur-tes-pas-nous-pressons-tous
- 04. andrea-bocelli-parle-moi-de-mere
- 05. andrea-bocelli-que-son-fils-laime-et-la-venere
- 06. andrea-bocelli-pres-des-remparts-de-seville
- 07. andrea-bocelli-votre-toast-je-peux-vous-le-rendre
- 08. andrea-bocelli-halte-la-qui-va-la
- 09. andrea-bocelli-je-vais-dancer-en-votre-honeur
- 10. andrea-bocelli-la-fleur-que-tu-mavais-jetee
- 11. andrea-bocelli-non-tu-ne-maimes-pas
- 12. andrea-bocelli-hola-carmen
- 13. andrea-bocelli-cest-des-contrabandier
- 14. andrea-bocelli-je-suis-escamillo
- 15. andrea-bocelli-hola-hola
- 16. andrea-bocelli-halte-quelquun-est-la
- 17. andrea-bocelli-cest-toi-cest-moi
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