警察随身的摄像机录下了该女子与刘的普通话交谈,事发当天凌晨(8月31日 1-2am)警察送刘回宾馆前,该女子要求与刘私下谈话。
我在这里列出明州 Hennepin County 检察官的新闻申明的原文链接 www.hennepinattorney.org/news/news/2018/December/Liu-Qiangdong-nocharges ,全文 可以从检察官的网站上查到(2018年12月的新闻) :www.hennepinattorney.org/news/news 。部分原文如下:
... it was determined there were profound evidentiary problems which would have made it highly unlikely that any criminal charge could be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
... in the early morning of Aug. 31, a fellow student and friend of the woman’s, called the police. Officers arrived at the woman’s apartment where they spoke to her and to Liu. Based on the information they learned from the woman that night, officers ended the call and took Liu back to his hotel. Liu was arrested later that day at the University of Minnesota.
During the review of the evidence by the prosecutors, which consisted of three men and one woman, it was discovered that portions of the evidence included conversations and messages in Mandarin that were translated to English. That evidence included video from a body camera worn by the officers that captured conversations between Liu and the woman inside her apartment, and later, portions of the conversation between the two of them after the woman asked to speak privately with Liu before he was transported back to his hotel.
The substance of those conversations, along with all of the other evidence including statements from the woman and others, as well as footage from multiple surveillance cameras, do not support criminal charges in this case.