The Phantom of The Opera
The Broadway musical “The Phantom of The Opera”《歌剧魅影》,is one of the masterpieces of Andrew Lloyd Webber, and has become a timeless masterpiece of musical theater with its wonderful music, and romantic plot.
It was adapted from the Gothic romance novel by French author Gaston Leroux, just like Chinese movie "Singing in the Middle of the Night".《夜半歌声》
"Phantom of the Opera", was tailored for Sarah Brightman specifically by Weber . They were lovers at the time. Sarah was a little-known actress,and she went on to star in The Phantom of the Opera,and made it the biggest-selling cast album ever.
In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera, Ramin Karimloo (Phantom) and Sierra Borgess (Christine) performed this spectacular rendition. This is my favority version. Please see below for their brilliant performance.
However, after the musical ran on Broadway for more than 35 years, it was officially closed on Broadway on April 16, 2023.
2024-01-17 15:11:36看到楼下TJ的《歌剧魅影》有感而发。疫情期间在韦伯的义演The Shows Must Go On!中看了全剧,非常难忘。