CHINE, Official languages of the UN.
When I saw CHINE instead of the English CHINA, it made me wonder how many official languages are there of the UN.
Here is the google result: There are six official languages of the UN. These are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.
Since the meeting is held in Switzerland I am curious if CHINE is China in Switzerland language? aha, I could not find anything called Swiss in google, which is against my common sense that an adjective form of a country also stands for the people and the language.
So the official languages of Switzerland are German, French, Italian, and Romansh, no language called Swiss.
中国 being CHINE in all German, French, Italian, I don't see google recognizes Romansh as a language name. So the CHINE here is French.
I wondered if an UN meeting in Dubai, China would appear as ?????
China’s UN ambassador, Chen Xu (R), waits along with the Chinese delegation for the UN Human Rights Council's universal periodic review in Geneva, Switzerland, on Tuesday.
2024-01-23 12:01:51如果是在DUBAI,China would appear as“很差的足球队的那个国家”