Sunshine After A Long Stretch of Gloomy Days. 久阴转晴
Sunshine After A long Stretch of Gloomy Days
Thousands of windows in the city turned bright,
through them came joy and delight.
Even the mood of the sky has changed.
When the day is fair, the sky does care.
The fog has dispersed.
The mountains have reappeared.
Many days of dense clouds, endless rain.
Finally, the sun rises again.
If you have been through snow, through rain,
through sunflower's petals being torn,
you would know that waves and particles
of time's light will be reborn.
Every time I recite the poem that asserts
the spring wind won't ever come to deserts,
I don't believe that's what it really means.
There's gonna be new things in Sun's new beams.
While time's footprints are still wet,
Nature is geminating a new spring.
I'll invite spring dreams to my sandy city,
for one thing, one thing only: to make it pretty.
(© January 27, 2024, godog)
2024-01-27 18:44:50感受到这次的押韵!雨霁初晴的画面呈现!好神奇,中文的八句,为什么英文变成了五个stanza